Hello and welcome!

Click the cards below for ways to stay covered and stay healthy.

pink kidneys graphic

Kidney Risk Quiz

Answer a few simple questions to find out if you are one of the 33% of adults in the U.S. who is at risk for kidney disease.

KD Risk Factors Icon

MI Bridges

Apply for benefits, manage your case, and explore resources.

33% of adults in Michigan are at risk for kidney disease. Right now, you or a family member could be at risk for kidney disease and don’t even know it! Answer a few questions at kidneymi.org/kidneyquiz to find out if you are part of the 33%. Knowledge is power. Early detection can help successfully treat kidney disease. Stay covered and stay healthy.

Managing your Medicaid Benefits

Medicaid is a program that provides health coverage. It is funded by federal and state governments and is available to low-income adults (including pregnant women), children, and people with disabilities. 

Michigan offers several medical assistance programs. Each program covers different groups of people, and each program has different eligibility requirements. When you apply for a program, your age, income, financial resources, and other information will be used to determine if you are eligible. You must also meet the financial and non-financial eligibility conditions for that program.

A full list of Michigan Medicaid programs can be found here.

You can apply for benefits on the MI Bridges website.

How do I reapply?

If you have Medicaid, MIChild, or Healthy Michigan Plan you may need to go through the renewal process. This is to find if you are still eligible for free or low-cost Medicaid coverage. 

  1. Update your address, phone number, and email address. You can do this by logging into MI Bridges or contact your local MDHHS office.  
  2. Report any changes to your household or income. 
  3. Check your mail. To keep your Medicaid coverage, you may need to complete a renewal form. If you do, MHHDS will send you a form by mail, text or in MI Bridges. To avoid gaps in Medicaid coverage, please complete and return the form right away. 
  4. Read and return your renewal packet. If you get a renewal packet, be sure to fill it out, sign the forms, and return them by the due date with any needed proof, such as proof of income, assets, and expenses. You have about 60 days to respond once you get the renewal packet. 

Need help with navigating your renewal?

The National Kidney Foundation of Michigan is here to help you. For renewal assistance in English or Spanish, please reach out to our Resource Navigators at navigator@nkfm.org or 734-222-9800 ext. 3257. 


You may also access our Finding Your Way: A Roadmap To Social Systems And Resources manuals for assistance in navigating the many resources available in Wayne County, Oakland County, Macomb County, and the State of Michigan


  • What happens if I miss the deadline for Medicaid redetermination? If your deadline to renew for Medicaid passes, you lose health care coverage. 
  • What if I lose Medicaid coverage? We want all Michiganders to get covered and stay covered. After you complete the renewal, if you are no longer eligible for Medicaid, MIChild, or Healthy Michigan Plan, you will receive: 
    • Notice when your enrollment ends. 
    • Information on how to appeal. 
    • Information about options for purchasing other health care coverage. Visit www.healthcare.gov to learn more.
  • How can I get more information? MDHHS will continue to provide messaging to you through mailed letters, MI Bridges, emails, text messages and social media. Visit Michigan.gov for additional eligibility and renewal questions.